2 long days

Saturday and Sunday

Yesterday and today have been too big days.

Lets start with yesterday (Saturday).

Got up really early in the morning, 7 am to be more precise. I had to leave for Mello’s place and hence the early rise.
Was there by 8.30am (half an hour late, but she was too sleepy anyways 😉 )

Started working on the site, accompanied by usual TP. Had to meet Clayton and other friends to pick up a gift for Havilah (choir master’s daughter), however they had to go on without me, as I was stuck at Mello’s place till nearly 3pm. Most of the site-work has been completed, and just her blog and finishing touches are left.

Finally left her place and came back home by around 3.30 pm and then I had to leave immediately for a Wedding mass that we were singing for. The singing was good, marred with one incident.
Following this, we next went for “hi-tea”, where I had cold coffee to our regular restaurant.

Next went home, changed and went to uncle Conrad’s place for the dinner party. Was a real long and fun-filled party lasting upto 1.00 am. Real tiring, real fun and real good food 😀

Came home, had a short phone convo and went off to dreamland.

Now for Sunday…

10.30 am. Sudesh calls me on my cell and wakes me up. He wanted to transfer stuff from his virus-infected hard-disk. So he comes at 11.15am, half an hour late, and we do the file transfer.

Sat the rest of the day on the PC, then as usual around 4, my net goes, very regular phenomenon with my @$%#*^& ISP.
Then went for the grand mass of Christ the King and sang to the glory of the Almighty Lord. We were given cake and tea after the mass, simple but really nice cake.
Returned back home and did my usual pc work and finally decided to update this blog. The night draws to the close now and so does this entry. I will be back soon with more news on the life of AjayDSouza.com

Certains facts in the daily routine have deliberately been omitted to protect the privacy of the people concerned.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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