20 hours power cut, not seven

The newspapers may have reported only seven hours power cut, but that definitely wasn’t the case!

After about ten hours of no power, I wondered if we would get the electricity back anytime soon. Well, we did, a full twenty hours later.

Added to that we had a total blackout around 12.30am which lasted for another eight hours or so. Kept tossing and turning in my bed for a good portion of the night with huge mosquitoes hovering all around me.

When I finally did fall asleep, it was time to wake up 🙁

Have to hit the books now. There’s a lot that has happened in the past which I still need to find the time to blog about. However, for regular updates to my life you can signup to receive updates via Twitter or Jaiku.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Wow, 20 hours of power cuts? We occasionally get short outages, but nothing like that. We have a bigger problem here with brownouts and spikes, sudden “off/on” cycles that can damage electronics. Almost all my stuff is on surge protectors because of that.

    Hope your power is back to normal for a while.

  2. It has been normal today. However, with load shedding being applied, most weekends are without power. We got gensets that run, however only a limited power points work 🙁

  3. 20 hours! We could never deal such a long time. What about the refrigerator and all the food in it? I definitely would use a laptop with battery if power cuts every now and then. Then you would lose your text or whatever work you where doing with the laptop.

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