20Gb at risk

Decided to go ahead and merge two partitions of mine, one blank and one containing my huge collection of software and games totally over 30Gb!

Unfortunately it threw up and error and before I knew it both the drives were “lost” :((

Well, the program seems to be running some recovery process. But, I wonder on its effectiveness.

Have kept the option of data-recovery using some kind of data-recovery software. I am hoping I don’t need that.

This teaches me a lesson for not backing up and moving all my stuff to my new hard-drive.

Have immediately gone ahead and backed up all my website data and installed games in case the whole drive gets screwed up!

Wish me the best!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Hey,

    I highly recommand you check out Ghost 9.0 if you have not already. Works wonders. 😉

    Take Care,


  2. Thanks for the recommendation Will. I did have Ghost 2000 a long time back. Didn’t really bother to make an image.

    Guess a little laziness on my part.

  3. Hey Ajay

    You could probably still recover your data
    with Norton Unerase Wizard…..its quite easy…..until you do that, don’t write any new data to the partition…since the file fragments can get overwritten.


  4. Have tried to do a File recover, but unfortunately some of my more important stuff is not recoverable.

    So, I’ve begun to redownload stuff…

    actually on rechecking the count is 50Gb 🙁

    Well, gonna post about that soon!

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