A Day at Work

Today was a rather interesting day at work. Mainly because the current batch of Graduate Engineer Trainees (GET) came on their tour of Control and Automation

We being the latest batch of GETs (I’m ex-GET and moment I submit my acceptance letter, ex-MT), were asked to meet them and give them an idea of C&A.

Pretty whole of the afternoon went it this, well not because of only us but because of a few presentations they were given.

But, shared a bit of our experiences and took them for a short tour of our company.

Wasn’t very surprised to see that not much has changed in the past one year. We were asked the same questions we asked our seniors.

A good amount of these will be coming here because of the high man-power requirement that we have.

I’ve enjoyed. I’m sure many of these will 🙂

On the return journey, I treated the persons in my bus to Monginis on account of my confirmation.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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