A Good Day

Nikhil and I went to IIT today to drop in our project with our project guide Mr. Pankaj Siriah.

Since he wasn’t in the office, we dropped in at his place.

We had a rather casual conversation, besides the official work and I also made friends with his son Rigved, from whom I’m going to collect a whole lot of movies:grin:

I also showed Sir my websites and he was rather impressed I guess, as he wants me to design the website for ARDG, the company he and his few colleagues have setup.

We got back home only after 5.30pm and after Nikhil left, I took Mom to the Reliance Web World Showroom to get us a new Reliance Land Line.

I had to pay with my Card, because we didn’t expect them to take cash then and there! And we wouldn’t get the piece immediately if we paid by check. This is my first transaction, and it did give me a thrill 😀

My throat and mouth still aches. I guess I may have to visit the doc again tomorrow. Hate itX(

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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