A Good Week Gone By…

Am very pleased with an extremely productive week at work.

Inspite of heavy rains that brought down Mumbai, work went on as usual.

Have managed to meet both the deadlines that were set for this week. The card problems which were troubling so much last week have all been solved with three units ready for handover 😀

Next step involves some extensive testing which I hope to complete by next week.

I haven’t had much personal time, because have been reaching home really dead the past few days and the rains haven’t helped too much.

Got the weekend ahead already planned out to some extent. For one Saturday evening and whole of Sunday goes into my classes.

BTW, for those who aren’t subscribed to my blog feed, I made another post of my last days in Muscat.

Ohh, and this post is being made from my home. The internet if finally running out here after four days of downtime!

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