Work today went on rather fine so no complains about that, but the rest of it was really crappy.

This was mainly because my Nokia 6230 started giving problems! :((

The menus have started behaving very weirdly and I guess it is because of it getting wet in the rains that stormed Mumbai last week!

On my way home I’ve given it for repairs.

Been told what I guessed and the software has to be upgraded. Should get it tommorrow.

Anyway, am planning to buy a new phone within the next week. Possibly, Nokia 3230 or Nokia 7650.

However, my tech geek friend Gautam suggests Nokia 6630 or Nokia 6681 or Nokia 6680.
Comparing phones on Let’s see what I turn up with.

Any suggestions, recommendations?
Remember the prices should be around those of the three above. As I’m a very poor boy 😉

Until then, it’s my Mom‘s Nokia 2300 :((

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. try the sony ericcson k750i, but again i doubt the memory card is compatible
    K750 is a lot cheaper than those nokia models i think

  2. Not much of a sony fan because of its limited compatibility with other Nokia models.

    Anyway, I’ve finalized on the 6681.

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