Ronald just updated Ajax Edit Comments to fix the really troublesome IE bug where the window just refused to close. You can update it from within WP-Admin directly or download it from the repository.
Ajax Edit Comments allows users and admins to edit comments on a post. Users can edit their own comments for a limited time, while admins can edit all comments.
The plugin has been tested on WordPress 2.8.5 as well. I have it running out here. If you notice any bugs, please report the same in the forum.
Sweet, been waiting for this. Excellent work from Ajay as usual.
This one is all Ronald 🙂
Hello Ajay,
Very good update…
and a friendly look for your blog 😉
The French translation is updated for WP AEC 3.0.1 and available on
Three chains are not translated
Move by Post
Move by ID
Move by Title
the new hooks cause other plugins to fail.. I’m talking about the following:
add_filter(‘get_comment_date’, array(&$this, ‘add_date_spans’), ‘1000’);
add_filter(‘get_comment_time’, array(&$this, ‘add_time_spans’), ‘1000’);
is there a way to implement this without changing the way internal WordPress functions work?