AjayDSouza.org Hacked!

My Support forum was just hacked by SeaNPauL of RootingAttack.Net

The forum is powered by SMF 1.1RC3. The Settings.php had write permissions and the contents of this file were modified.

I’ve replaced the file with my backup and have removed write permissions from each and every file. I don’t think any data has been lost.

Also removed write permissions from files in all my websites.

I’m really shocked to see this hack. Does this mean that any file with write permissions is vulnerable? Or is it only SMF?

This is the first time I’ve been hacked. Has been a learning experience, though I really need to learn a lot more here.

Thanks to Thilak for finding out that my site was hacked and informing of the same.

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  1. This hacker from what I have read is Turkish and he seems to be targeting a lot of SMF forums if I am not mistaken.

    Atleast I learnt my board was vulnerable and I was able to cleanup and hopefully strengthen the board and others.

    I really hope nobody is sending out supraris for my sites. Will face a lot of problem then!

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