All Work and NO Play

I actually can’t believe that I am typing this entry from home at 8pm on a weekday.

Well, the reason is because I have been so tied up with work that I have been coming home only to sleep. While I spent almost the full of the last two weeks working late and Saturdays, it got really bad the last two days with me leaving office only at 11.30pm, having dinner out and reaching home at 1.30am.
This ofcourse meant that I was pretty zonked during the day. But work had to continue.

Today I made up my mind to leave early.. er.. on time. Didn’t face problem as our bosses insisted that we all go home on time as we have all been pretty saturated and exhausted.

Well I’m really sleepy now, though I think I may go to my church for the fete that they are having for the next five days.

Well, I’m alive!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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