And yet another Orkut Hoax

Yet another Orkut hoax floating around on the internet is this one:


It has recently been found out that there are some spammers present on Orkut who download the Photographs of Girls from their Profile and they get 5 cent per photograph. This photographs are later sent into Image Editors like Photoshop where they are morphed and superimposed on the images of Porn Stars. These people are so expert in this field that the photographs looks completely real and anyone can get decieved by generated images.

These photographs are then used for multiple purposes like Printing in International Magazines, Uploading on paid Porn Sites and sometimes even blakmailing. And the post consequences are a known fact. So after knowing about this fact my advice to all sisters of my brothers here to please remove their photo’s from Orkut and don’t give the culprits a chance to do play around with You. Afterall Prevention is better than Cure. AUR BHAI LOG PLZ IS MAIL KO JAHAAN TAK HO SAKE FORWARD KARO TAKE CARE

It is good that you thought to spread the message and I know the thought is noble, but please stop this stupid email chain!

I have researched this and haven’t found a single place which actually confirms this. It doesn’t take much time to research. Please do check and if you find some truth in what you are about to send, only then send it. Otherwise stop and don’t cause unnecessary panic!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Its mostly spam all the time but this photo issue is proving serious. Have heard of cases where some rogues are using pictures of pretty girls from orkut to distribute them as friendly faces across discussion boards where there is limited moderation.

    Eventually, they get stored somewhere on the web and can be accessed at a later date.

    But yes, this chain mail is frustrating.

  2. Ravi, the problem is every heard about the photo issue. Nobody can confirm it.

    While I do agree it is a scary thing, but I don’t think anyone needs Orkut to find photos.

  3. True, I havent seen any instance of this. But there have been cases where people have created false orkut profiles, copying images from others photo album. A simple Save picture as works in this case. Orkut needs to disallow the right click / Save Target as.. in the photo albums. If we have enough people supporting this we can recommend this to orkut.

  4. This is serious stuff. But how did you come to know about this. A friend of mine got this mesage on Orkut and she now seems to be pretty terrified about it.

  5. Agreed about this being serious stuff. But there hasn’t been even one reported case of this and I follow the news online very carefully.

    You don’t need orkut to find pictures, a simple google search will do wonders!

    If your friend is terrified and if it gives her peace of mind, then ask her to take of her pics.

  6. Recently heard of a case in india where a person was having objectionable pictures of a girl and used them to open an orkut account under her name. He had used appealing words in her profile & had also given her personal contact number as the person had gathered information about her. The worst thing was that the girl came to notice this she was unable to delete the profile as she didn’t had the password and she even didn’t knew about the person who had opened this account. The girl didn’t know what to do. In this case the websites should have an option to delete the account by some way.

  7. People do all kind of weird things!
    Its better to take precautions as Orkut has, I don’t know correctly but millions of users. So its possible that some might do these kind of things.

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