

My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Bad Movie Decision

I have always made most of the movie decisions whenever, I chose to go out for a movie. However, this time I went terribly terribly wrong. As planned, I met Melody and her friends Elvis and Delilah and we set…

A New Television

We have finally bought a new television. After researching and visiting a lot of stores, we narrowed down to Plugin, which is near my place. We purchased the Samsung CZ-21K5 (don’t ask me what this stands for) Features include: Pure…

Love Actually is all around?

Today was a really great day. I took Nandita out for a movie followed by pizzas. I am sure she had a great time. Nandita happens to be the daughter of my mom’s good friend. They migrated to New Zealand…

Merry Christmas !!!

Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas!! Come 24th December for the last two years, only brought a little cheer with a lot of exam fear and so the occasion wasn’t all that enjoyable. However, this year, the major papers are over…

Exam & Movie

I had the MOC exam today. One which gave all of us a great tensions. I was so tensed yesterday that studing became really difficult. Then my dear friend Melody called up and prayed for me, which was so nice…

LOTR Theme wins again

It gives me great pleasure to announce that my desktop theme entitled Lord of the Rings Desktop Theme has once again won the covetted Ezthemes Theme-Of-The-Day award for 22-12-2003, taking the tally to 79 days. The Lord of the Rings…

Some Christmas Jokes

Christmas is coming! Here are some jokes to liven up the spirit. Picked these up from DistantHelp Forums, where I am a moderator. What do you get if you cross Father Christmas with a detective ? Santa Clues ! Father…

He’s got the look

I went and collected my Contact Lens today 🙂 I am really impressed by them. Since this is the first time I am wearing contacts, I do feel like something in my eye. However, I am sure this feeling will…