Back in Mumbai

I’m back in Mumbai!

Had prayed for an uneventful flight and if you can discount the one and half hour delay and the turbulance, it was uneventful.

Reached the airport. Was worried about being overweight (not me, my baggage). Dad is a frequent flyer and so I was able to carry some extra baggage 🙂

Found out that the flight was delayed by one whole hour, which turned out to be almost two!

Didn’t have to worry about the waiting because I didn’t go to the gate until 1.45am (the flight was originally scheduled for 1.30am).

Had good company because along with Dad, Charlin and Prestin also came to see me off. Had a good time chit chatting and playing with the vending machine.

After a quick stopover at the Duty Free, I spent a good fortyfive minutes in the waiting area for the flight. Had company there also.

And then we had turbulance when the flight took off. Men : imagine trying to visit the loo when the airplane is slanting! 😉

The rest of flight was without problem. Ate and managed to catch an hour’s sleep.

Going through immigration was quick. Modernization of the airport is really helping. Had to wait a while for the baggage and getting through customs (which is always an hassle) was also not much of a problem.

Was home by 8.15 and immediately left for a sleepy 8.30am mass.

Slept a while when I got home, but am still zonked. Also worried about waking up at 6am tomorrow moring (I have been waking at 12pm IST for past two weeks).

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


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