Have just released the latest version of my Bad Behavior Stats plugin viz. v1.5.
The plugin now has a brand new options page. Have dumped the variables $count_only and $returns.
Now the text to be displayed can be configured directly from the Options >> BB Stats page.
Also available is a widget for WP-Dash, which is a plugin that replaces your original WordPress Dashboard with a whole new pluggable one.
I think this makes me among the first authors to do so 🙂
Great Plugin… now what are we gonna do about your bad behavior 😉 ???
[…] Nog meer upgrades: een nieuwe versie van Bad Behaviour en een nieuwe versie van Bad Behaviour stats. BBStats report: Bad Behavior has blocked 1989 access attempts in the last 7 days. Spam attempts that is. Best wel noodzakelijk dus. […]