Bad Bowling!

Began Sunday morning by going for mass. Was confused about whether I will be doing the reading today or next week and in the bargain didn’t do it. Found out that it was infact today!

Anyway, mass was good and went out with Clayton and Azalea for breakfast to Garnish.

Returned home and spend a good part of the morning blogging. My Blog is troubling me and I am still unable to post.

Went out with Melody, Elvis and Delilah for bowling. I reached Bull’s Eye where we normally go only to find out that the place has been shut down!

They decided to go off to High Street Phoenix in Lower Parel instead.
High Street Phoenix

This place a few years back used to be a mill land but has now been done up with dozens of shopping centers there and plans for more!

However, it is one congested place, especially on a Sunday afternoon. We spent nearly 15 minutes to just park, which is really very irritating.

Got down to bowling, which was way too expensive and wasn’t really worth the money. We all played miserably with none of us crossing hundred, though Melody made a surprise comeback with two strikes in the 10th round!

Our miserable scores
I lost alright badly! Scores to the right. Here’s my excuse : My mind was preoccupied about something else 🙁

Had some frankies after this and then drove back to Melody’s place from where I picked up my bike and headed home. Mom was surprised to see me back so soon. I’ve decided to get some rest today especially since I feel a long work week ahead which may also eat up my next weekend.


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