Blog Enhancements

Working on adding plugins to my blog to make it better. I have added these plugins:

Alex King’s Clickable Smilies:
Now, I can add smilies to my post just by clicking on them and you can add smilies to your comments with a single click 😀 (click!)

ScriptyGoddess’ Show Hide “more” with WordPress Plugin:
This allows me to show the text following a more tag in the post. I have used it in this post :). You can click on Read more right here… to read the rest of the post on this very page!

Comment Preview for WordPress 1.2
It lets Commeners know what their final comment is going to look like. Hopefully, this will reduce the blog spam, which I did get at times. You get a preview the comment, when you post it the first time. You can then modify it if you want to or Post it.
I had to modify it a bit to make it compatible with this style, which was rather easy 🙂

In addition to the hacks, I have also added Clicksor’s Ads to the blog as you can see in the menu. Let’s see if I do manage to make some money with it, or I may just end up shifting back to Google’s Ads.
Have also added the Clicksor’s Contextual Ads. It converts certain keywords on this blog into links that displays an appropriate ad. The links you see in blue are those of the ads. It’s supposed to pay more, but that’s only if people click on it:roll: But again, it works only in IE:(

I’m searching for more WP Hacks. If you have anything in mind, please do let me know

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Ajay, can you please tell me which plugin you are using to allow people to email the posts (wp-email.php)? Is that what it’s called? wp-email?

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