Category Blogging

Bad Behavior Stats v2.1

I have just released the Bad Behavior Stats plugin v2.1 Updates since the last release. Link to Bad Behavior homepage fixed Title attributes added to the BBStats and Bad Behavior Links New variable %totalcount% added for displaying total number of…

Bad Behavior Stats v2.0

I have just released the Bad Behavior Stats plugin v2.0 Updates since the last release. Plugin now works with Bad Behavior 1.x and 2.x Only counts the number of blocked attempts. Number of blocked attempts can now be viewed under…

Mumbai Bloggers Meet – 20 May 2006

Saakshi Juneja and Amit Varma have decided to get together for another blog meet on 20th May, 2006 at Thank God Its Friday (TGIF), Andheri West from 3.00 pm onwards. Blog newbies, non-Mumbai bloggers and (only) blog readers – all…