Category Computers & Technology


My Sify connection was installed yesterday! Got back home rather late because we had choir practice followed by a small dinner party at U. Conrad‘s place itself on the occasion of St. Cecelia‘s feast. So got back home after that…

Nothing much…

Nothing much has been happening in my life, so this is a post telling just that! Work last week was rather hectic and sadly, I still haven’t completed my test setup. This should get done today with the arrival of…

BootUp in 30 seconds

Approx… Wrote about my new PC a week back, however due to certain problems, it couldn’t be installed Ashish and Kishore finally installed the system today after having changed the power-supply. Bought a higher end supply, with dual fans. Was…

The New PC Arrives…

Upgraded my pc through my dealer Ashish. After a major thought process and after finally convincing my parents and with a lot of plus and minus, I finally arrived at the following configuration: Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Processor Supporting HT…

WordPress Upgraded

Have upgraded my blog to the latest version of WP. It fixes a few security issues. The upgrade was rather smooth. However I do have problems with the Clickable Smileys. Will need some time to figure it out. Anyways, lesser…

The Weekend Stories

Friday, casual day, but work as usual. Found lots of reading material. Additionally, the comp I was working on for DSP has been moved and I move to a better comp. Went with Rhea, after work and before choir practice,…

Happy Friendship Day!

Firstly let me wish all my friends out here a Happy Friendship Day:O Now, for the regular blog update… Began the day yesterday at Melody‘s place. I was supposed to meet Nikhil yesterday, but that didn’t really happen in the…