Category Personal

The London monthly update

Decided to look back into my blog to figure out when I had last posted and let’s just say that it was a long long time ago! So, am going to make a quick post to tell people that I…

London update

Finally got a day to myself and hence the point of this post. Ideally, by now, you should be able to see a million photographs on my photo album on Facebook. However, a total lack of social life explains the…

London Calling!

My secondment at my company got me flying off to London and I fell in love with the city the minute I stepped out of the airport. And, I have grown to love the place even more in the past…

Visiting Indiranagar

It was a really short visit about two weeks back, when I went to meet Akshat and Neha at the Cafe Coffee Day in Indiranagar. Those who know me do not find it hard to imagine that I haven’t seen…

Light weeks, these past two weeks has been

I returned to Bangalore nearly two weeks back. And, as is expected, the frequency of my blog posts has dropped. However, I must confess that  for a change I’ve actually had two relatively light weeks. By light, I mean, I…

Back to Bangalore

At long last my vacation back home draws to a close. This time I had the opportunity of a much longer vacation since I had to take my core leave. Consequently I spent a good 18-19 days home 🙂 One…

First three vacation days

Christmas is the time of the year I’ve always looked out for. This year has been a very fulfilling year, which I shall write about in a future post. I took my core leave from 18 Dec to 3 Jan,…