Category WordPress

Review my plugins on

WordPress now has a new review system for plugins and themes. While the rating system has always been active, users could never write a review of the plugin. This is especially useful if you’re planning to give a plugin a…

Top 10 v1.9 and v1.9.1

Top 10 widget

The latest version of my popular posts plugin Top 10 is now available for download. Existing users can quickly upgrade this from within your WordPress Dashboard. New users can get the plugin by searching for “Top 10” from Plugins >…

Add to All v1.0.2


Add to All v1.0.2 is now available for download. This is one of my newer plugins, released in the last few months. The plugin grew as a need to incorporate several 3rd party services like Kontera, Google Analytics, etc. which…

TwitterCounter WordPress Plugin v1.6


I have released v1.6 of my TwitterCounter plugin for WordPress. The plugin allows you to integrate badges on your blog to display the number of followers you have on Twitter. In addition to that you can display the TwitterCounter…

Contextual Related Posts v1.8


I’ve just released the latest version of my plugin Contextual Related Posts, a powerful plugin for WordPress that allows you to display a list of related posts on your website and in your feed. This version of Contextual Related Posts…

Add to Footer v1.2


Add to Footer allows you to add any HTML or JS code to the footer for your WordPress theme. This ensures that you don’t need to keep adding the same code in case you change your theme. Simply enter the…

Add to Feed v1.2 released


Add to Feed is a feed enhancement plugin that allows you to easily add a copyright notice and custom text/HTML to your WordPress blog feed. The custom text can be entered before and/or after the content of your blog post.…