
Didn’t do much of that on Sunday when I went for my AIMCAT. Had thought it going for me when I attempted the verbal, but the quant and DI made me change my mind. Checking the results later convinced me that the verbal was also as bad as the other two!

Anyway, headed straight home after the paper. Was really zonked, because Dad had arrived in the morning, resulting in my sleep being cut shot. But no complains at all 😉

Went for the 6pm mass as usual. Mass was short and good 🙂

Didn’t do much for the rest of the evening.

Set off Monday morning with Dad for his medical and then to a few banks for some work.

The engine of my bike has been getting hot and so took the bike off to my mechanic for some checking. Changed the oil, but the “problem” still seems to be there. Have decided to give it a few days and a few long rides and analyze the same.

Spent the rest of Monday at home. Monday night was Pizza Night.

On Tuesday morning too I was official bike chauffeur 😉 This time locations were several banks.
No complains on the riding bit, because it sure has been a while and I simply love riding my bike.

We also paid a visit to a local dealer of DishTV, which is a Direct To Home TV via Satellite.

dishtv is India?s first direct to home entertainment service that has digitalized Indian entertainment to bring to your home the best in television viewing through the latest in digital technology. It not only broadcasts high quality programmes straight from the satellite to your home, but also gives you absolute and complete control of what you watch and what you pay for. It is almost like having your own satellite up in the sky.

Their competitor in the business is Tata Sky, but they are still new and have a long way to go in terms of channels.

However, both these work out much better that your local cable operator, because you don’t have to rely on him for the channels and even better, the quality of the signal is a lot better (being digital).

Going now… have to do some studing today.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. I like the fact tht u dnt have to rely on the cable operators, sounds as good a sit gets. those guys r a pain in the b***

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