Like I mentioned below, I was pulled out of bed at 10.30 am on this beautiful 1st morning. 10.30 am wouldnt be so much of a problem, but after a tiring New Year, it was a bit too early.
My dad told me that some professor was calling. I picked up the phone (half asleep as I did it) to find Dayanand Ambavade sir at the other end of it. He informed me that I was on the list to design the college website and if it was possible to reach by 11! I said 11.15 and so got ready quickly and rushed off to college.
In college I found Sumit, Kuldeep and Joseph (Parag will be joining us soon) of BE IT, who will be designing the website with me. I have already worked with them during SPACE 2003 and it is gonna be fun working with them.
Dayanand sir and Deven Shah sir introduced us to a teacher in SP Jain, who also happens to be SPCE alumni, viz. KT Upadhay (hope I got the spelling right). He is well informed and very knowledgeble in this field.
Now I got to sit and get the front end ready. Will be just picking up the look from the current site, as they want it. We all have to learn ASP however, as that will be needed for hosting this site.
This is indeed a great oppurtunity to improve my skill base and my resume. God bless me and my friends in this endeavour.
Hey dude,
Its nice to know that you ppl are working on SPCE website. I am 2001 passout from SPCE civil batch and was interested to know if someone was working on our college website. I would be attending the Alumni function to held on Jan 2, 2005 and would definitely discuss about it with the committee.
Keep up the good work!! best of luck!!
Rahul Parab
Quite an old post. I have since passed out. We did the site. Don’t know about the status now.