Comment Posting Problems

I’ve noticed and so have others about a problem while posting comments on this blog.

IE throws up a Page Cannot Displayed error and Firefox asks you to download the PHP file.

I’m still clueless as to what could be the exact problem with this and so I’ve decided to test Akismet instead of SK2 for a while in the process of isolating and eliminating the error.

I don’t believe this problem to be because of PHP, because I can make posts perfectly with a lot more data than the comments.

My next step after this is to deactivate the Math Plugin to see if that could a cause. I might switch back to Peter’s Antispam with the CAPTCHA as well.

Any one have any ideas about what could be causing this problem?

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Ajay, Here few more observation…

    The comment part of each post takes considerably long time to load.

    The Math plugin sometime tells me that you’ve failed in the math, even though I’m good enough at Math :-0

    I think its good time to remove couple of plugins..!!

  2. @Binny, you’re comment got caught as spam by Akismet. You should write in to them. I recovered it.

    @Madhur, you’re comment came through properly.

  3. Ajay, I have written to Akismet – I did not get any response from them yet. I think it is because I use a blogspot site as my url. Blogspot is notorious for the amount of spam blogs on it. From now on, I will not use that in my URL field. Let me see if it makes any difference.

  4. sometimes it happens when you have slow internet connection. it happens on me quite regular when my connection speeed was really slow.

  5. @Ajay, from the day i have started posting i have been facing this problem of page cannot be displayed after loading a comment, and when i click on the refresh button it shows Duplicate comment detected.!! 🙁 but i thought that i must be making some mistake so never mentioned it…!! this is just for ur info…:)

  6. @Benedict, that loading is a fault of Feedburner. I’m not sure what I can do there!
    I may replace the Math plugin with Peter’s Antispam once again and see how good / bad the captcha works out to be!
    Or I may just use a simple additional question (not random)

    @Binny, Try using you’re .com or others. I guess this comment went through without problems.

  7. @Cypher, thanks for confirming this, because it was a similar observation I made as well.

    @Luna, that is the problem I am talking about. You’re still facing it?

  8. I certainly have had no such problem when posting on your site.. I’ll report if I do get a problem anytime.

  9. this is the message i get..

    The requested URL could not be retrieved


    While trying to retrieve the URL:

    The following error was encountered:

    Zero Sized Reply
    Squid did not receive any data for this request.

    Your cache administrator is Adminaec.


    Generated Thu, 29 Mar 2007 18:07:09 GMT by proxy (squid/2.5.STABLE4

  10. Damn, seems like you’re still getting error even though I made changes… This is really irritating me… 🙁

  11. @Ajay, u said u would take down the maths spam protection thing n see. what happened..did it work??

  12. not working! may be something is wrong with my webhost. 🙁
    btw i guess its abt time your scm online course started..isn’t it??? all the best for the same.

  13. I haven’t had a problem posting a comment on your site (yet). But I strongly suggest you give Akismet a try. It’s a life saver !

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