Double Win at ISAAC 2003

Both Web Design and Paper Presentation

Today was a great day. I went for the contests at ISAAC 2004, TSEC’s inter-collegiate festival.
Won the webdesigning contest with Elroy. He did a fabulous job handing it, while ran between the paper presentation and the web design contest.
The we got the news of winning the Paper Presentation. Of a total of 244 teams, we won the first place. No mean achievement. Great thanks to Nikhil and Saurabh and for the great support they gave me.

More contests to come and hope we win there as well.

Good night now. Got a big day ahead. Several experiments of MOC to be written as well as a MicroProcessor exam to give in college tommorrow.


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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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