DTE needs better scanners

Ok I am just grumbling! But I am sure a lot of students who gave the Common Entrance Test (CET) for MBA/MMS today would agree.

I know a few who do. Unlike the CAT, the answers in the CET booklet had to be coloured with a BLACK BALL POINT PEN.
This meant that you had no way to correct any mistake that you make. This I know will result in me losing about ten marks :((

Am gonna wait and see how I fair in the results.
Yet another complaint is that my work-ex will give me just 1 mark of 2 out of a total of 240 in the CET.

The paper today was ok. Just feeling a little bad because it was so simple that I feel I screwed up major.

People start praying for me 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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