Finally! Almost…

It’s been 21 days since I last updated my blog. Involved in intensive studing and exams, updating my blog would have been a luxury:O

Finally, though I am exhausted, I sit down and update my blog.

I won’t comment on my exams, because they were not worth commenting about! Will however list the past few days from the 24th.

24th May 2004
Time after the 24th (day of last disaster) paper was hectic. Went off for choir practise leaving Abhimanyu at home working on the project. Abhi, Nikhil and I spent the night working on the project hoping to complete by Tuesday morning, which didn’t happen.

25th May 2004
Tuesday morning was badminton after a long time with James and Amita. Melita joined us just when we were stopping.

Next went to the TVS showroom with dad to check out a bike. Zeroed in on the Fiero FX.
Afternoon was once again spent on project work and evening with James, Amita and Joel at Takshila.

Got Lennon to teach me how to ride a bike (he got a CBZ) and had a long chat with his pal Kevin, who convinced me to drop the TVS idea and think of a Bajaj.

26th May 2004
This day was once again spent on project work. I also visited the Sai Service Showroom to check out the Bajaj bikes. Decided to go in for either the Pulsar 150 DTS-i or the Wind 135. After a long chat with my parents, I decided on the Pulsar.

We also completed the project and gave it for binding at printing prior to the visit. Had a good lunch at Arfa.

27th May 2004

Began the day with mass at 6.30 am. Will be going more regularly now.

We collected the book reports later and found many mistakes in it :-S and the binding work sucks:((! What’s really good was the PPT by Nikhil and the CD Interface by me (I wasn’t the only one who said this).

Paid a short visit to the Hero Honda showroom, but dropped the idea of the bikes, mainly because of the cost factor for both purchase and maintenance.

Now’s the best part!
Went with Dad to the Sai Service showroom to buy my brand new Flame Red Pulsar 150 DTS-i SS. Cost me a bomb and will have to repay my parents’ loan all year long! But it is definitely worth it:O

My brand new Flame Red Pulsar 150 DTS-i SS

Spent the evening again with Amita and James and now here I am blogging as usual.

Tomorrow is the project viva, which got postponed from today. I need a really great score here to push up my percentage:O

Will be purchasing a new domain soon viz.
My blog address will also be changing to So to the few who read this blog, please get ready to update your links. Will post an update once I am done with the shift.
Will also update this blog software to the lastest version.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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