Friday Night

Just got back home after an evening with Melody and so I sit here blogging away about a long and tiring Friday.

Awoke this morning again and went off to play badminton at Takshila. My whole body has been aching terribly and yet I played for nearly two hours. Nobody was in the mood for matches and so we just had a long practise session.
After a bit of chit-chat we wound up and I got back home with an even more aching body. A quick hot bath didn’t make much of a difference and I just dozed off.

Plans for the evening weren’t fixed. Went to Clayton‘s place for computer work. No success so will go there tomorrow (actually today!)

Next came choir practise, which is fun as usual, since I love singing my parts.

Plans were finalized during practise and immediately after I went to pick Melody up for a movie at Fame. Not sure what exactly happened, but on reaching there, I found out that there was no English movie running at all :-S

So we chucked the movie plan and decided to go out for dinner. Stopped by at Little Italy‘s in Juhu, but it was crowded and so we moved on to eighties in Bandra.

The last time I was at eighties was on Feb 11 and the place was empty!
Today it was noisy and smoke filled. Yes! I know that’s how clubs are but hey(!) I’m not a clubbie.

Melody wanted to dance, but Mr. Dude doesn’t know how to jive too well now, does he?!?

Anyway, ate there and then dropped Melody home and got back home as well.

Am all exhausted now. Thankfully, I don’t have to go to IIT early morning!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


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