Gave my bike for servicing on Saturday morning. Without the bike I am practically immobile, though of course thanks to the enormous amount of traveling that I do because of work, walking has once again been ruled in as an option.
It has also become a regular event and I managed to once again crash my network connection on my PC at home. However, this time I found out the cause of the same. It was thanks to the latest trial version of Zone Alarm Security Suite. However, this did give me the opportunity to experiment with various software, including WinXP Service Pack 2. Experiment failed as I got an error in svchost.exe and my PC wouldn’t boot up.
Thankfully I have a Ghost backup and my PC was up and running on Sunday morning. But, a total upgrade of many software had to be done and luckily I was successful in recovering all my downloads. Learnt a lot about many programs’ configurations in the bargain.