Happy New Year 2019!

Sitting here on the final day of 2018, I’d like to wish all my regular and irregular readers a Happy New Year 2019. Keeping with my long tradition, here’s my life in review post for 2018. Do you agree with Dilbert’s view on resolutions? I know I’ve barely kept mine from last year.

Source: Dilbert


Work takes up a significant portion of our lives, mine included. 2018 was a long year for me at work including a tonne of projects, long hours and quite a bit of travel.


2018 involved quite a bit of travelling for Ashwina and me.


We started the year with our annual trip to India. India was slightly different this time around. Since both Dad and Arun were in town, Ashwina and I booked a long stay at the ITC Maratha in Mumbai. Our stay turned out to be fabulous with excellent service, good food and we both got lovely gifts from the hospitality team there.

My work station in our room at the ITC Maratha

After Mumbai, we headed off to Mangalore. The first time for me after over 30 years! We toured quite a bit especially visiting a few churches.

Pune followed Mangalore where I managed to get some rest. We also met with Rhea for dinner on one day and Saby on another.

We headed back to Mumbai for a day and then returned to London getting Mom back with us for a few months.

Ashwina, Mom and me at Quilon
Ashwina, Mom and me at Quilon

Chenhalls Barn

We did our annual visit to the English countryside by finding a few days in a quaint National Trust cottage called Chenhalls Barn.


Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle

In late June, we spent a weekend in Bavaria, Germany with the primary goal to visit Neuschwanstein Castle. The trip involved more travelling to get there and back given a lot of engineering works and replacement buses that ran late. Aside from that, the visit was fantastic. The region is beautiful and so is the castle.


Next on the list of visits was a long weekend in Athens for Pavlos’ wedding coupled with a fantastic two days of sightseeing. We spent a lot of time on foot walking from one place to the next until we could walk no more!


In the last week of July, we went to Finland for a long weekend. This time the occasion was Teemu and Kristiina’s wedding. We were able to spend one day to visit Helsinki including a nice boat tour. This was a day after a day-long wedding celebration.

USA and Canada

The last trip we took this year was two weeks holiday, one week spent in New York and another week in Canada visiting Toronto, Niagara Falls and Montreal.


This year was a relatively active year across the time I spent working on my WordPress plugins. I am still far behind creating proper documentation for my various plugins on WebberZone.

However, I’ve released updates to several of my plugins and officially closed down several of the ones I stopped developing. This week I moved Where did they go from here to WebberZone.

In 2019, I am hoping to maintain a relatively regular update schedule for the plugins pushing through smaller but more frequent updates. At least, that is the plan for now.

Plans for 2019?

I’m going to stick to not making any resolutions this year that I won’t keep. Although I am a bit more active at the gym, my work schedule coupled with laziness hasn’t made me as regular as I’d hope to be.

Ashwina and I also have several plans across various fronts and I am hoping that this pans out. One of them is to get a driving license. We’ve both started our driving classes and this is definitely a first for me having never driven a car in my life!

There are a few other plans, but I’ll keep them close to my chest for now.

Let me close this post by once again wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


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