Internet, MBA and more

Woke up on Saturday morning to finally find that the internet network was up in my area. Next step was to renew my account.

But before that…

Dropped in at the T.I.M.E. office to inquire about the classes for the CAT and CET and signed up for the same. First class: 6.30pm

Decided to go for it.

On the way home stopped off at the Exatt Office to renew my crappy internet connection. Didn’t leave until they renewed it in front of me.
So far it hasn’t given a problem. But this is just the beginning. Also the prices have increased on the unlimited connections.

After a quick stopover at home I headed off to MVLU College for the MBA class. The first lecture was on Data Interpretation and I realized that I need a lot of practice to even entertain the idea of getting a call.
Flooded Mumbai
This was further confirmed this morning when I gave the AIMCAT. I haven’t totalled the score yet, but I am sure it will be bad. So much for all the big claims by the administration that everything had been cleared and we won’t have waterlogging! X(

Here is where I mention the horrible time I had wading through almost knee deep water on my way home. And it could have been waist deep had I left an hour earlier!

Picked up a pair of floaters from a local shop yesterday. Once again I was impressed by my Mom‘s bargaining abilities.
The Happening
Ended Sunday evening with mass. The youth had organized a special mass titled The Happening. Mass in a slightly different style.
Did not sing. And now it is going to be extremely difficult to attend choir practice or the masses (except when we sing at 6pm on Sunday) because the MBA classes have taken my entire Saturday evening and all of Sundays. This will be the case atleast for the next five months. No complains however, because this time I am keen 😀

It’s back to a long week at work tomorrow. I’m going to be extremely exhausted for the next two months!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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