Interviews & Mumbai Calling

Semester 3 is definitely lighter than the past two semesters, possibly because I don’t have admissions work 🙂

Have spent the last week interviewing juniors for the Corporate Communications Team. The interviews have been mini-ragging sessions in themselves.

Some members of the junior batch are really bad, while some were really good. This time the selection procedure was better organized than last year.

We have also finished of the first set of interviews for the Admissions Team as of yesterday. Next round for the shortlisted candidates is on Monday.

One thing is definite about the interviews. It is easier to get into SCMHRD than to get into an SCMHRD committee. You may not get grilled that much in your interview for SCMHRD, but the interviews here is a totally different story!

Have to pay my fees for this year and so headed to Mumbai to make the DD for the same. Completed a lot of work for my Mom today in addition to this.

Off for a nice dinner now with you know who. To be continued…

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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