It’s been three tiring, but good days

I don’t usually blog during the week, but then again I’ve had three “not-normal” days.

After a great weekend, I went off to work rather on Monday as usual. Work was a bit hectic as I had quite some stuff to do.

Had choir practice in the evening as is usual on Monday. But, Madam A gave a treat for her job, while Vanessa gave a treat for her birthday on Sunday. So, had a good amount to eat and drink and didn’t need to eat dinner.

Tuesday was yet another plenty of work day. Had Prayer Meeting in the evening, but got stuck up at work and was able to leave only at 7.30. Went off home immdiately after that.

Importantly, 7th of June is my Dad’s Birthday 😀

Our birthday’s are usually low-key and so all we did was a nice quiet dinner with the family. Mom, bro, dad and me walked it out to Zodiac for dinner.

Had been there on Easter and liked the place, hence suggested we go there.

Ordered a good amount of stuff to eat. Stuck to Chinese cuisine and worked up a good bill as well :))

Got home only by 11pm and hit the bed immediately.

Today was a good day. Got good results at work, and dead lines of my project have been postponed, so pressure has reduced a bit and additionally a new boy joined my team, so the work load shall reduce a bit further.

That’s about it for today. Signing off now!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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