It’s Saturday Night

Uncle Colin (Clayton’s Dad) had invited Melody and me over to his house yesterday, in order to meet us.

So I went picked up Melody around 7pm from her place. After specifically asking me to come after 6.30pm, she grumbled at me getting late. I wasn’t really late because we left only at 7.40pm. Two reasons:

  1. Internet problems
  2. Women! How long they take to get ready

Halfway on our way to Colin’s place, Melody decides that she wants to wear my helmet. So I stopped at the middle of a busy flyover and give it to her. So, I guess for the first time in her life she puts on an helmet.
Minus point: She kept knocking me on my head and back with my helmet. Need I mention intentionally?
Plus points:

  1. She looked really cute in the helmet. Like a visitor from outer space:grin:. I wish I had a camera;)
  2. The helmet stifled her screams and songs on the busy highway, so we didn’t get that many people staring at us;)

Anyway, we reached Clayton‘s place only at 8.30pm (we were supposed to be there by 5.30) towards the end of a service U. Colin was having.

Had dinner at around 10pm. Aunty Joyce is an amazing cook and I love to eat:smile:

We left their place only at 11pm and since it was only 11.30 when we reach Bandra, we decided to go the the Bandstand Cafe Coffee Day, where we were lucky to get a table despite the crowd.

Dropped her home at 12.30 am and got back to my place only by 1am.

Had a really enjoyable evening (don’t I always), but a short sleep as “someone” called to wake me up at 7.30am today:O

Have a wedding mass to sing for this evening, but lot of studies before that:((

Off topic. This is Post Number 100:O

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. comments on your latest post :
    1) you wear a helmet last time i saw u were still wearing only glares
    2) the answer to \”Women! How long they take to get ready : is \”40 mintues after the person arrives\”
    3) hope your vivas go well

  2. 1) I always wear an helmet, except if I go close by. Glares I wear in the hot sun, since I shifted to contact lens.
    2) Smart answer, but it is variable. Ask any woman 😉
    3) One did, three to go. One tomorrow:sad:

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