Kababs and Reclamation

Today was the third day of our Diwali holidays and was a day totally spent at home until evening.

Austin came online and asked if I had plans. We decided to take the Lobo sisters (Madam A and Amita) with us.

The four of us set out for Mahim-Bandra. Amita and I headed straight for Bandra Reclamation expecting them to be there. However, they had already set off to Mahim.

Met them there and we went to have kababs and parathas at a small joint out there. I was shocked to find them to be rather excellent despite the fact that they were priced at such a rate that travelling to Mahim, picking them up and then riding back home worked out cheaper than ordering them from my local restaurant.

After this we went back to Reclamation and spent an hour there chitchatting and admiring the fireworks display. Being Diwali the sky was lit up all the way from Bandra to town with rockets. This is what I love about Diwali – the lights. Well, I hate the loud bombs and crackers. I just wish people understood the harm and pollution they cause.

We headed back home after a while. We talked for a while below Madam A’s building before heading back home. Well it’s back to work tomorrow. One last work day this week. 😀

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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