L10n bug fixed in TwitterCounter plugin; Calling for translations

You must have seen a few updates for TwitterCounter plugin popping up in your dashboard. For that I apologize. I’ve been struggling to fix the localization of the plugin and after much trial, I figured out it to be a really stupid bug.

Anyway, things have been fixed for sure now and tested out as well. Thanks to Gianni who patiently assisted me in this.

You already have two translations of TwitterCounter in the repository. The first is the Italian translation by Gianni and the second FatCow‘s Russian translation.

As usual, if anyone is interested in translating TwitterCounter into another language, please contact me or simply send me the translated file. Remember to include the URL of your blog or link to the post on your blog declaring your update.

Download the latest version of TwitterCounter plugin

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Hello Ajay,

    you’re welcome. No, I have to thank you for your hard PHP work!

    Regards as always

    Gianni 🙂

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