Maundy Thursday & BE Farewell

Today, we had the BE Farewell. For those who are unaware, it’s the day when our college says bye to us 🙁

An exciting day for most of us, as it’s the day we deck ourselves and go to college. I took out my blazer after a long time from my cupboard and went off to college with it. Yes! I know it’s boiling hot with the blazer! But, we did it.

First we had an address by all our professors. Some willingly, while we forced the others. Afterall, it was our day!
These short speeches were straight from their hearts and it felt real great to hear them!

Next, after some decent snacks, we had a lot of photo taking. Many cameras, including Abhimanyu‘s, so am in a lot of pics!

Went down to the quad later on for the program and took even more photos, including one solo pic with Abhi’s cam of me in my blazer:O

Had to go to Melody‘s place later for Maundy Thursday service and reached there in time for it, as was pre-planned.

After the service at Mt. Carmel‘s church, including a great sermon by the main celebrant, I went back to her place, with her folks to setup the projector and laptop for the movie.
Am very new to all this, and thanks to Melody and her dad, I am learning quite a bit!

Melody’s entire church prayer group had assembled to watch the Passion of the Christ.
The VCD was a cam-print, but the print and the sound was really clear for it.

The Passion of the Christ

The movie is amazingly done and seems very well researched. The actors are amazing. The Passion of our Lord, is so well detailed. The Agony in the Garden, the Sourging, the Crowning with Thorns, the Way of the Cross and the Cruxifiction, brings out the true agony and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. He suffered for our sins, that we may be saved! One thing I really loved about the movie, is the way scenes from Jesus’ life are intertwined with the Passion.

Had a brief conversation with Melody and her friend Vimal over coffee till around 1am and then rode back home.

Praise the Lord!

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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