Movie review: Real Steel

First we had boxers and when we realised that they could be replaced by something less destructible, there were robots. Real Steel tells the story of one such robot, a promoter Charlie (Hugh Jackman) and his 11-year old son Max (Dakota Goyo).

When Charlie makes a deal to sign off custody of his son Max, little did he know what he was getting himself into. After several failed robot boxing events, Charlie is on the brink of losing hope, when Max finds a scrapyard robot. Little do they know that this junkyard bot would one day bring them back to the limelight.

Real SteeL

Source: IMP Awards

Real Steel is a brilliantly made movie. Hugh Jackman has always been a brilliant actor and he definitely doesn’t disappoint. And, this time he is well supported by Dakota and Evangeline Lilly (known for her role as Kate in the TV series Lost).

The graphics in the movie are well done, especially the fight sequences between the various robots. Through in some music and dance, a lot of humour and some drama and you’ve got yourself a winning movie.

If you haven’t watched the movie yet, do make sure you watch this in a theatre.


Rating: 9/10

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Hi Ajay, this movie is designed for IMAX viewing. The robotic fights from Real Steel is awesome!

    But I noticed that the movie has lots of swearing, even a little kid from the movie is using unnecessary words and profane words like b*tch and a$$h0le..

    Just blog hopping 🙂

  2. I agree with your rating, 9/10! I enjoyed watching this movie, and I just can’t get enough of the fight scenes. The drama is just enough, perfect for the whole family!:)

  3. It reminded me of my youth playing Rock’m Sock’m Robots. I started to have flashbacks of Over the Top with Stalone and the whiny kid, but it started to come together. Not great, but still enjoyable. If you want something different and kind of fresh… and you don’t want to think like you did in Inception, see this movie.

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