After 6p.m. mass today, we had a Christmas recital by the Paranjoti Academy Chorus. No matter how much I praise them, I will always fall short.
The Paranjoti choir is conducted by Coomi Wadia and has some 40+ members, from various religions and various professions. They have performed in over 20 countries and also sang for many radio shows as well. I also have the privilege to know one of their members, viz. Tony Mascarenas, who sings with me in Conrad’s choir. In my opinion and many others, he is a fabulous tenor, with a fantastic voice.
The choir sang for us in English, Hindi, Marathi, German, Spanish and Latin. What really impressed me about them is that they sang totally acapella, and needed only their voices to give us the heavenly music.
After the recital, the entire church arose to give them a standing ovation and in return, they sang the Drummer Boy again for us 🙂
We were indeed lucky to have them choose over church, Sacred Heart Church, Andheri for the recital. Ours was the only church in the suburbs to have the recital this year.
I can go on and on about them, but I will conclude by simply saying that if you have the oppurtunity to listen to them, don’t miss it for the world. 😀