My Mail is now hosted with Google

After having thought about it a while I’ve decided to use Google Apps for Your Domain for

I have already been using Google Apps to manage WebberZone email for a while now, and now 🙂

Gmail What this means is now I have a 2Gb Email account, which has all the features of Gmail (which IMO is second only to Yahoo! Mail).
This is very useful because I can take a considerable load of my VPS. I have also found that Gmail’s anti-spam tools are a lot better than SpamAssassin.
I also have complete POP and SMTP access if I need to download any email.

Google Talk I can also use my email address with Google Talk and Jabber.

Google Calendar Though I doubt I will use this, but I also have my very own Google Calendar for events.

Google Page Creator One thing I don’t need is Google Page Creator.

The best thing is:

Organizations accepted by Google during the Google Apps for Your Domain beta period are eligible for free service for their approved beta users even beyond the end of the beta period, as described in the Terms of Service.

I have already added mail checking for my email to Netvibes. This will replace the default POP Mail account I was using.

If you look to using Apps for your domain and want to check email at Netvibes, then use the Gmail Module.

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  1. I wouldn’t use the word selfless Thilak.
    But, yes it is a good thing they have this.

    Even Live offers a similar service. Actually there are quite a few, however some are paid and others are only for US citizens.

    I wish Yahoo! would start something similar. I would love to use their email.

  2. I thought you were reluctant to trying it out before. I absolutely love it and boy do I have no love whatsoever for Yahoo!

    Everything I wanted out of Yahoo! Google gives to me real good. As far as Live is concerned, forcing me to use the latest version of IE is manipualtion and I refuse to do it. Stubborn eh!!

    P.S. You didn’t do the Meme you were supposed to. I tagged you, so jump it man.

  3. Where did I tag you? That would have to be on my blog silly ;).

    So get to it, and you may have to strong arm Melody as well.

    Well, the last time I bothered with Live, I had to have the latest version of IE to even register so I just left it.

  4. Wasn’t reluctant at all.

    I use Firefox to check my Live email 😉

    And I still absolutely love Yahoo!

    BTW, Where did you tag me?

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