Of Badminton and Life

Went off to play badminton at Takshila once again.
We started off a bit late, but I managed to squeeze in two games.

Played the first with Penny against Madam A and Amita, which we one 15 – 6 after being down 6 – 1.

Next played a singles versus James, which I managed to win 15 – 3.
This makes my tally of games 11/11 😀

We wound up soon after and played Life at Melita‘s place. Life is a board game, which I hadn’t yet got the opportunity to play. The last time was about a week back, but we couldn’t complete it.

This time was real fun, considering I finished off with a total of $2.807 million, way ahead of everyone else.
Tip: Pile your money instead of spreading it out. Then no one knows how much you really got!

Dropped the idea of going to college, so just sat home to complete my writing work.

Went for Robotics class in the evening, where we finally got our notes and also finished of IK.

Also collected the IA journal from Abhimanyu, to complete a few experiments :((

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