One More Step Complete

Having finished off my two interviews, I just had the manufacturing unit visit left. I had zeroed in on my neighbour who runs such a unit manufacturing industrial products.

Since, he wasn’t in town, this was on hold. Have hoped to finish off all the Field Assigments by tomorrow and am glad to say I am on track.

Headed off around noon to the manufacturing unit. Interviewed my neighbour, found out enough information and tooks a good number of photos. Then visited the parent company for even more photographs.

Stopped off at Subway to pick up Chicken Seekh Kabab sandwiches and now I am stuffed.

Going to work on the Field Assignments now and hopefully finish that off today.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. BOO-HOO-HOO, one more step closer to you leaving us… BOO-HOO-HOO.

    Do remember you promised to spend time with your sis before you leave. Don’t spend all your free time chasing mice.


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