Orkut is in a mess today!

And it can get very irritating!

Have been getting the infamous donut message on Orkut, whenever I try to scrap most folks!

Bad, bad server. No donut for you.

Unfortunately, the orkut.com server has acted out in an unexpected way. Hopefully, it will return to its helpful self if you try again in a few minutes.

It’s likely that the server will behave this way on occasion during the coming months. We apologize for the inconvenience and for our server’s lack of consideration for others.

Are you folks getting the problem as well?

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. You bet i am getting this infamous error every now and then, Ajay. Instead of coming up with new features, i think they should provide a fix for this first!

  2. this happens to me everytime i’m on orkut. if i refresh the page after some time, then its ok.
    As they say, Bad, Bad server.

  3. Orkut Blocked in office yaar dude. All i get is ACCESS DENIED. WE had even managed another way of accessing the same. Thts how u found me online tht afternoon. But then even tht has been blocked now. SO FIRST LETS TRY TO FIX THIS PROBLEM AND MAYBE LOOK AHEAD TO THE ORKUT PROBLEM. Wats say dude???

  4. Lol… well like I said… there is a problem with the login box of Google, hence can’t find a solution to that.

    Why not just ask them to unblock it!

  5. Try using

    It always seems to work for me from the office!
    otherwise make friends with the system administrators 😉


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