During one of our lectures last week, a lively professor was telling us about his MBA life at IIMA.

When asked about the tests that they followed he, as part of the conversation decribed the experience with five letters, viz. R-A-P-E-D.

We got a taste of that this Saturday.

We normally have two FCQs every Saturday. But, for a change, last Saturday, we were informed that we would have four, viz. HRM, Statistics, Tech in Business and Case Analysis in Excel.

Now, HRM is a lot of theory which needs to be learnt by rote, unless someone can explain how does one manage to learn by logic.

Statistics is a completely different ballgame! We don’t understand a thing that the stats prof teaches us. We did do a lot of studying for the paper only to find that five of the six questions were from a single chapter which few of us knew. Do I need to spell out the result?

Tech in Business turned out to be an objective semi-GK paper. My tech knowledge is very practical oriented.

As for Case Analysis in Excel, we had a 16 mark stats question which fetched me a straight zero. Was able to do the remaining two, but for one silly mistake. I hope that I do get the part marks.

So, basically at the end of the day it was (R-A-P-E-D x4). It would have been x5, but the OM FCQ didn’t happen on Sunday, which was as hectic a day as any other.

Yesterday (it’s 1.15am now) was a relatively light day, as will tommorrow be. Have put in some studies, though I really need to get some sleep in.
Worked on the college website with Mani throughout the evening and even studied some Marketing.

I hope to post more frequently, so lets see how it goes.

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. Reminds me of my IIT days and Mgt days. HRM and stats and marketing were my favourites.

  2. hehe..yeah….RAPED! totally! ;)..ur blog will never let me forget that saturday….i hope one day i read this post again….n hav a good laugh…:)

  3. Your posts are getting a bit more frequent, I should say! Keep up the tempo, if you could 😉

  4. hi ajay, been a long time having posted at ur blog. good to c u keeping up blogging wit ur mba work..!!
    all the best for the studies…where do i get to see the pics of ur CAMPUS….

  5. Hey… long time… where have you been?

    Blogging is really a big struggle, I just manage to put in a post or two once in a while.

    Pics of the campus can be seen at http://scmhrd.edu A new site is coming up within a few days.

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