Say a Little Prayer for Me

I’ve had a majority of bad papers so far, except for the XAT which was decent. Still awaiting calls if any.

Today I give the entrance exam for FMS, Delhi from 3pm to 5pm. The center is the same viz. St. Xavier’s College.

So just a small request is to say a small prayer that the exam goes well with favorable results.

Thanks 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. hey, i hope you make it through.
    FMS is a really cool place.
    A lot happens around here in Delhi itself.

    My best wishes to you.

  2. Thanks Carol and Kritika… sadly the paper didn’t go too well… I don’t think I stand a chance.

    Will make a blog post about it.

  3. hey congrats on the fab XAT score and SCMHRD call!! Hope and pray that you convert! Din give FMS so no idea. btw when are the SPJ calls expected?? I m sure with ur XAT Score your sure to get a call..!!

  4. Thanks Luna.

    No clues about the SPJ calls, but I’m hoping. I got an 82 in DI, which could have problems. What about you?

  5. Me have a 99 in DI and a 99 in Verbal. 80 in Quant which again is dicey..! Lets see what happens! But try well for SCMHRD..i have heard they have unique Group Discussion/Group Exercises.! XIM,B is also a good possibility for you. Hope you get a call from there. Gud day 🙂

  6. hey got IMT,Ghaziabad call. What about u? Btw XIMB results are out too. Did you make it?? Hoep you did.
    Do reply!

  7. Congrats on the call Luna!

    And yes, I made it through the XIMB list 🙂 Thanks for telling me that they were out!

    What about you?

  8. nope i dint..coz i din apply..!! 🙂 well just hoping for some more calls! lets c! btw when is ur scmhrd gd/pi!! btw congrats on the ximb thing..really happy for you! @};-

  9. All the best..!! 🙂 Will be praying for you!
    Its a great oppurtunity & i am sure you will make it!

  10. Thank you very much. You should have applied. Have you applied to SPJain as well?

    SCMHRD GDPI is this weekend. Leaving tomorrow for Pune.

  11. din get a call, exxpected as hv a poor Quant score! So how was the scmhrd thing??? enjoyed their innovative GD ishtyle??? 🙂

  12. hey SPJain results out too!! Din see my name, neither urs??? Seems some1 sure doesnt want me to do a MBA this year! Disgusting 🙁

  13. SCMHRD was good…but I am not sure of the results …

    Guess SPJIMR doesn’t really like me at all. Or for them XAT wasn’t all that important… well whatever 🙁

    So are you giving the CET?

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