Search results for "new year"
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[…]the layout, I make sure that I don’t make this mistake! Next, the singing. Though we always take new hymns, we usually make sure we teach them to the people. Unfortunately we didn’t have the opportunity to teach all of them this time, but I think we should have. Otherwise it just results in the congregation sitting quiet. Now for Good Friday. The singing was moderate and could have been better. One thing that really irritated me was the version of “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”. Those of you are familiar with the hymn will know it […]
[…]2358 downloads. Both Transpose Email and Open Browser Window have over 1000 downloads and even my new plugin Open Picture Window has 220 downloads from April 1!! Thanks to all of you out there who have liked what I do […]
[…]Toolbar Button and those who are subscribed to my feed will find all the posts being marked as new, a direct consequence of the change in url. The idea behind this is that since www is effectively a subdomain, I shouldn’t make the user use the subdomain, unless he needs to. As for the WWW, it automatically removes the www and redirects you to the correct location. What is your take on […]
[…]as she passed along the aisle of the plane on the transatlantic flight from Amsterdam to New York, she noticed that the baby, nestled between the couple who were asleep, didn’t look very well, in fact it looked extremely ill. Not wanting to disturb anyone she gently lifted up the baby and took it back to her station. Feeling the baby’s forehead, she found it was cold and with a sudden panic she realized that the infant was dead. Calling upon a doctor she knew to be on board, he examined the baby and confirmed that, not only was it […]
[…]home early on both days I was able to give the bike for servicing. Got it fixed and brand as new 🙂 Spent whole of Saturday at home, a good part of the morning and afternoon cleaning around the house and with computer work. Spent Sunday morning at home glued to my TV (something only one programme can do). Went over to Melody‘s place in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day there with site work. Met up with Cloreisha for a while before I head back […]
[…]meet on 20th May, 2006 at Thank God Its Friday (TGIF), Andheri West from 3.00 pm onwards. Blog newbies, non-Mumbai bloggers and (only) blog readers – all are welcomed. Here is the full address: THANK GOD IT?S FRIDAY (TGIF) INFINITY MALL, 2ND FLOOR, OSHIWARA NEW LINK ROAD, ANDHERI WEST, MUMBAI Please a comment on one of their blogs if you intend to be there. I am not sure if I will be able to make it, atleast not at 3.00pm, but will try to make […]
Finally went out shopping yesterday. Dad does most of his shopping at this new supermarket called Lulu. The location is on top of a hill and the place is so well lit up that you can see it from all around. I was rather impressed by the entire layout and this place has about 10 checkout counters! We spent three hours shopping! I hate shopping, but made an exception this time 😀 At the end of it we had enough grocery, juices, soft drinks and food to last a lifetime. This is excluding several shirts and t-shirts I picked up. […]
[…]shifting has begun and we hope to finish everything by Friday. Will be able to spend a day in the new place hopefully. Have to get my specs repaired this evening, though I doubt it will get done today itself. That would mean I would be blind as a bat tomorrow […]
[…]will remain is settling down. It’s a nice feeling planning out where everything should go in the new house. We went out shopping in the evening, this time to pick up stuff that I will carry back to India. Headed off to Ruwi to our usual dry fruit shop for some of that and then back to Lulu Hypermarket for the remainder of the shopping. I have a feeling I may have a problem with weight. Fingers crossed. This may also be my last post here in Muscat, because once we shift today I will not have an internet connection. […]
[…]She has to go through lot more waterlogged areas on her way from Juhu. I was fully clad in my new rain jacket and the rain pants as well as my floaters so I remained very dry all the way to work. The company bus was a little late, which was expected because of the rains. The journey to work however was no problem. I really wanted to take photographs but didn’t want to risk getting my cellphone wet. The rains worsened as the day passed and a good portion of Mumbai & Navi Mumbai offices let their people leave […]