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Bad Behavior Stats v2.1

[…]to Bad Behavior homepage fixed Title attributes added to the BBStats and Bad Behavior Links New variable %totalcount% added for displaying total number of access attempts if verbose logging is enabled. Now, admin functions and wp-dash functions are only declared if on the admin page and if wp-dash is installed respectively, thereby saving on processing time. Read more and download the […]

Mozy Remote Backup – Free, Automatic, Secure

Came across a new and free backup service called Mozy today. They say: Mozy is a secure, automatic remote backup service for any PC in any home or office. It’s simple to install and configure. No external hard drive, expensive subscription services, CD’s or DVD’s to burn. All you need is a broadband connection and you are ready to go! All you have to do is signup for your free account and get 2Gb space to backup your files. They also offer a paid option of $4.95/mo where you get 30Gb storage space. You need to download their software in […]
Read more » Mozy Remote Backup – Free, Automatic, Secure

At the end of the week

[…]went off to get my bro’s cellphone repaired on Saturday afternoon. Am going to get myself a new phone. Still finalizing the details. Any suggestions? Went for the 7pm evening mass. Missed my morning lecture on Sunday morning because I just couldn’t wake up. This time I am relatively happier with the AIMCAT, because the last two were disastrous! Went off to watch Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest in the afternoon. A fantastic movie and a must watch. But you will need to have watched the first part to understand this completely. The evening was pretty much lazy. […]

So have you shot his blog?

Received an email from Reno of Sho()ot My Blog. I quote the purpose of his blog: Take an original photo of my blog with your digital camera or mobile phone and send it to There’s only one requirement : your computer monitor or laptop (with my blog title/homepage visible on the screen) must appear somewhere in the photo. Be VERY imaginative and creative, and your original pic (with your link on it) will be published on Shoot my Blog : a totally bizarre photoblog… a totally bizarre way to CATCH people’s attention on your website and to promote it […]

A Funny Farewell Email

Was out searching for a sample farewell email as today is my last second-last day at work and stumbled upon this really funny one by Chris Kula. How many of you identify / identified with this? Update: sourced from WayBack Machine since the site is […]

Numbers and Comprehension

[…]to improve the ability to understand words from their shapes. I will start practicing reading the newspaper for five to ten minutes daily. I don’t have anything to lose and if it really helps me read and comprehend passages, so much the better. BTW, try reading the passage below. It is just one of my past blog entries. Click on the image to open it in a new window. Start from the bottom […]


[…]your own satellite up in the sky. Their competitor in the business is Tata Sky, but they are still new and have a long way to go in terms of channels. However, both these work out much better that your local cable operator, because you don’t have to rely on him for the channels and even better, the quality of the signal is a lot better (being digital). Going now… have to do some studing […]

The Week So Far

[…]of CAT studing, while in the evening I had to go for choir practice. We have been learning a few new hymns and the different parts for some old ones. Tuesday was uneventful, but Wednesday made up for it. Now that I am at home, my sleep patterns have changed drastically. I seldom go to sleep before 2am and unfortunately I have to get up before 8am! Wednesday was no different. We had to go to three banks and so was ready before 10am. Set off first to HDFC bank in the area. I don’t really like the bank policies […]

This Weekend

[…]not finalized those details, so maybe it may just be a mixture of all the subjects. Have got a new study partner, so this will definitely […]