Search results for "new year"

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Spiderman 3

I can’t believe that Spiderman 2 was two and half years back! While, I wasn’t too impressed by Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3 was definitely worth it (spent only Rs.70 😉 ) The movie introduced us to two new villains, viz. Sandman and Venom. Sandman is a result of a tragic accident befalling Flint Marko, an escaped convict. Venom chose his path. After having revealed his true identity to Mary Jane, Peter Parker and Mary Jane have a happy relationship with Peter continuing his day job as a freelance photographer while Mary is a budding theatre actor. How things start to […]

10 Days Gone By

[…]Micro Economics FCQ. Got a 7 on 10 which was so surprising that I rechecked my results. As for the new FCQs, we got Research Methodology hit us like a bag of bricks. Passing is now questionable. The others shouldn’t be a problem I guess. Am also waiting for my Spanish results, this should come in tomorrow. Lectures were normal, actually, they were a lot more hectic than before with even more hours. OSHE (Occupational Safety, Health and Environment) lectures are a pain, infact its eight hours of weekly crap. But, didn’t we ask for a “holistic development”? Haven’t been […]

Dead People and Credit Cards

[…]do still apply.” (What is wrong with these people??!!) Family Member: “Would you like her new billing address?” The Bank: “Yes, that will help.” Family Member: ” Odessa Memorial Cemetery, Highway 129, Plot Number 69.” The Bank: “Sir, that is a cemetery!” Family Member: “What do you do with dead people on YOUR […]

Two Nights in College

[…]last morning at around 5.30am and this morning around 6.15am after working the night out on the new College website. Things are going good, though we should have been complete by now. Ravi joined me in the quest. Sat for two lectures today after almost two days gap; most of which was spent in front of my laptop in the Admissions room, except for breaks for food and nature and seven hours of sleep in the 48 hours. I’m zonked today and though tomorrow is the holiday for our vendor, however, we don’t have a luxury of holidays out here […]

Snap Shots Plugin Updates

[…]Plugin Repository. I’ll probably be working on a mini version of the plugin based on the new Account system that was launched last week. However, no promises on this one as it will be only if time permits. The current version of the plugin available on this site will also work with Snap Shots. I’ll keep it here for archival reasons. For now, I’ll continue to support the plugin via the […]

Knock at the Door

A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote “Revelation 3:20″ on the back of it and stuck it in the door. When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, Genesis 3:10.” Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins “Behold, I stand […]

More Interviews and Tests

[…]usually is a light day, as is Wednesday. However, they are usually consumed in working on the new Financial Statement Analysis case or some other assignment that manages to crop up. Monday to Wednesday evenings were spent interviewing juniors for the Admissions Core Committee, the last obligation we have before we move out of the Admissions Committee. One last thing in the pipeline is the conversion of the existing slow SCMHRD website template into a faster loading one. Have the junior Web Committee to assist me this time. Now, back to […]