Search results for "new year"

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Niagara Falls 2018

Having spent the first day in Toronto, we set out on Monday to visit Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is less than a two-hour drive from Toronto and so can be visited in a single day. However, my dad got a good deal with the Sheraton Hotel in Niagara Falls so we decided to bunk there for a night. We grabbed lunch in Toronto before heading over to Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls clearly is a busy town by the falls complete with several eating joints as well as a casino. Walking by Niagara Falls We settled into our hotel rooms and […]

Exploring Bath and Stonehenge

The last weekend was a long one cause of Easter and we’ve typically not done much on the Easter Monday bank holiday. However, Seema and Rodney, who were in London and bunking with us, had already booked tickets to visit Bath and Stonehenge. So, Ashwina and I also tagged along. We arrived at Victoria before 8am well ahead of our scheduled departure. It allowed us to get some decent seats in the middle of the bus. We set out towards Bath first which is about 2.5 hours away from London. We luckily didn’t encounter much traffic given the early start. […]

A Week in Somerset

[…]to catch up on some coding – particularly with a major update to Add to All including a brand new snippets manager. I’ve had to go into the depths of jQuery, JavaScript and the WordPress admin scripts. There is still more to be done to make it useful and I’ll continue that over the next few weeks. I do need to get an update of Popular Authors as well although that is yet to get any respectable number of […]

I’m switching to Signal

[…]believer in privacy, which might be ironic for some who have read my personal posts over the years. However, what I post here (or anywhere) is my choice and I exert full control over what is shared. I do not believe that Facebook and its products give me that choice unless I choose to discontinue their usage. Closing remarks WhatsApp has now pushed back the date of accepting the policy changes to May 15th. It has also attempted to clarify the changes – by repeating that messages and locations shared by us cannot be read my WhatsApp (Obviously! These are […]