Settling in

Spent a good part of this week settling into the Design Lab, in addition to working on my project.

Put in an application for a LAN id. Haven’t yet got it, but soon.

Also asked for a screwdriver set and got that as well this week. Have neatly labled all the components.

Succeeded in convincing my DL and others in the lab to clean it up a bit. So, that is exactly what we did yesterday. Cleaned quite a bit of the lab and have now fixed my spot permanently. Freed up four drawers as well for my exclusive usage 😉

Also had 50th bday party of our Quality head. Had yummy chocolate and pineapple cakes. We also had a photograph taken. This is below. Will put a full size version on my gallery sometime soon.

Design & Administration teams

Today was an interesting day.

Attended a FIX (Forum for Information eXchange), given by one of my colleagues. Also applied for two cards. One was a CitiBank card. Another other was the ICICI card. Am getting both of these free for life, only because I am an employee of Larsen & Toubro. I just love my company and my work.

Had choir practice today. Few of us went off to Jade after practice for dinner. Am off shopping tomorrow 🙂

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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

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