Still another Orkut Hoax!

And yet another Orkut Hoax has popped up. Boy do people sure have imagination!

The mail reads as:

someone by your name scraps u,delete it immedietly within 10seconds. Its a virus. Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on your list feads the scrap then his comp will also be affected. It is a hard drive killer and a very horible virus. Please pass this on to everyone on your list. We need to find out who using these accounts

Firstly, what if I am offline? Then does the ten second limitation still apply? What if someone else has the same name as me? I know I found someone in Mumbai called Ajay D’Souza.

I’m not sure if the spelling mistakes in the message above were because of the person who sent it to me or if it is the original mail.

If others have received this, please do give me your feedback.

And for those who plan on forwarding this, STOP! And reply to the person who sent it to you that it is a hoax.


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My name is Ajay D’Souza and I’m a blogger and WordPress developer who has a passion for creating and sharing. I also have a professional career as an Investment Banker.

Articles: 1282


  1. hi this is divya … i m an orkut user…..i read your points…and i was wondering….that is there any limitations or drawbacks of which orkut is facing right now … cause orkut is in development stage so there is a possibilkity that it will come up with all its limitationss but for today does it facing any problem….. please do reply…

  2. thanx.. for your response ajay…. but ther would ne some fields in which orkut really need yo work upon…. actually tell me in orkut is there a facillity of auto reply and auto logout…. mobile servives…. nowdays because of huge fanfollowing of orkut… there is donut problem aries in orkut services does really makes a difference to orkut .. please let me knw cause i was just doing a survey on such kinds of dont get…cauntious…. waiting for reply

  3. Hi Divya,

    Actually, if you really want indept into Orkut, then you are definitely asking the wrong person, simply because I don’t work for them 😉

    Yup, I am well aware of the donut problem, it is something that has been there right from the early days.

    As for features, it is just the early stages. I am sure we can expect much more from them 🙂

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